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Invasive Species Removal Demo

Tuesday, September 20, 2022
10:00 am1:00 pm
Gwynne Conservation Area at the Farm Science Review, London, Ohio

We will be focusing on the removal of honeysuckle, the fast-growing tree/shrub that produces small red berries in the fall and holds its green leaves longer than most other species. Amur honeysuckle was first introduced to the U.S. from Manchuria and marketed as an ornamental shrub in 1897. The shrubs are shade, drought, and cold tolerant making them fierce competitors to native plant species. Over time, Amur honeysuckle has created dense stands that crowd and shade out all competing native species, lowering biodiversity across the country. The shrub also produces prolific amounts of berries that are carried and distributed across the landscape by birds, however these berries are considered natural ‘junk food’ because of their high sugar content but low nutrient and fat content which birds need to survive the winter. New research has also found that Amur honeysuckle can secrete chemical compounds that are harmful to amphibians and toxic to freshwater insects and crustaceans.

Note: There is an entry fee for the Farm Science Review Show. From the main grounds, hop on the shuttle to go to the Gwynne Conservation Area. From there, take another wagon or walk over to the cabin. The demo is outside, in between the cabin and embankment pond.